Get the best hiking jackets from us.

Tripole Gears aims to bring affordable hiking gear to all enthusiasts.We provide a direct factory to consumer experience to its customers.We provide the most efficient travel accessories for you.We are widely acclaimed for our consistent quality with buyers ranging from different fields of defense and mountaineering. Our all products have been designed using the three pillars approach to oversee strength, utility and comfort.This makes them a fit for multiple purposes such as hiking in the wilderness and many more.

We provide you with the different varieties of winter jacket. Our Tripole jacket is your ideal lightweight jacket for use in winters or for trekking in the mountains or attempting high altitude treks across the year.Our jackets are designed for very cold weather to maintains warmth in idle condition in temperature upto -5 degree Celsius. It has pockets on the outer and inside which makes it easier for carrying handy items. It has cords at the bottom sides of the jacket to keep air tight; and has special fabric on the front zipper to make it less of an airflow. It comes packed in a cover that makes it easier to carry outdoors and takes less space while packing.This jackets comes in multiple design and colors to suit your requirements.Our jackets are loved by hikers.

We aim at providing you the best quality jackets at an affordable price.We never compromise on the quality of  products. So what are you waiting for, just go and check our site and start shopping with us.Give us a chance to serve you, we will give our best services to you. If you have any queries regarding our products and services please feel free to ask us.We will be happy to assist you.


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